I'm 30 years old and I work as a global economist by day in the UK. I play
and watch a lot of sport, especially football, rugby, cricket and hockey. I have
traveled extensively through Europe and Latin America as well as China and
speak French, Spanish and Portuguese. I like setting myself physical challenges
- over the past couple of years I climbed the three highest peaks in the UK in
24 hours and also completed a triathlon.
What do you think makes your genre special?
The escapism. Fantasy takes the reader somewhere different. Somewhere where
different rules may apply. Now as an older reader it takes me back to my
childhood when I could spend hours playing soldiers and castles with my Lego.
It was a happy, carefree time when your brain is bursting with ideas, when your
imagination is running wild.
What do you think makes a great story?
Deep characters. Strong dialogue. Great twists. If you have all of these,
your book will succeed. Descriptive passages are fine, but for me they are the
background, the setting, the rice if you like - not the star attraction. What
really keeps the reader hooked are the the faster moving pieces, where the
dialogue is sharp and perhaps witty, where the characters are dissected and where
unexpected things happen.
What is your latest book called and could you
explain to us in 20 words what it is about?
The Chamber is a classic story of good and evil, of travel and adventure,
battle and magic, but most of all, growing up.
Which kind of reader do you think will enjoy
your book?
I think readers who liked Phillip Pullman's 'His Dark Materials' series
(such as myself) would enjoy it. Although as it is completely set in alternate
world and explores other 'races' (elves, goblins, trolls, dwarves etc.) I would
say it also has elements similar to 'Game of Thrones' and 'Lord of the Rings'
so I would also encourage fans of those books to give it a go.
Is it a Standalone, or part of the series? If it
the latter, how long do you think will it go on?
The Chamber is the first book of the Twin Worlds trilogy. I have recently finished the
first draft of Vol II. However, there is so much history in it, that
there could easily be prequels and sequels. Depends on its success, I
What influenced or inspired you writing it?
Stormcaller by Tom Lloyd...but perhaps not in the way you would think. It's
rare I give up on a book but I only managed 100 pages of this book before
dropping it, convinced I could do better. Of course I have a long way to go
before matching his success, but then it's (very) early days!
Why did you choose especially this title? Was it
your first choice?
The first scene of the book is set in a chamber and it remains key to the
whole book. I looked at a couple of other titles, not least because John
Grisham and Harry Potter books have similar titles, but I feel it was the best
What was the hardest part for you working on
your book?
Editing. There were parts of the book I was unhappy with, and I was failing
to get interest from publishers. I had read the thing so many times I was sick
of it. Thankfully I persisted, tidied it up, got interest from a publisher and
finally took it to market.
Was there a scene that you didn’t want to add or
remove in your finished work?
My publisher suggested I change the ending. I was skeptical at first but
they identified a need to tie up more of the loose ends, rather than merely
setting it up for Vol II. I'm much happier with the ending as it now stands.
Do you already know what to do next?
Vol II of the Twin Worlds trilogy - The Black Gate - is
currently with my publishers for editing. I think it is better than Vol
I. The characters are richer and the plot is somewhat deeper...and
Where can we find more about you and your books?
Please check out my website: www.dominichking.com
Any last words?
If you have an idea for a story, however small or undeveloped, go for it.Going
through a traditional publishing house is by no means the only way to take a
book to market. Even if it doesn't sell that well, you will feel a massive
sense of achievement. It's an imprint of you on the world. No one can take that
away from you.

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